Our Greeting Cards, Stickers, Magnets, Coasters, and Frames are all proudly made in the USA!
These Memorial Heart Stones capture the lasting heartfelt memory of pets who have passed.
2.5” H x 4” W x 4” D
$8.50 each (Sold in packs of 2)
Our Super-Soft T-Shirts Designed for Pet Lovers
From $12.50 each
(Sold in packs of 2)
Extended payment terms and other incentives await you at dogspeak.faire.com
With over 500 gifts available, Kirby always has something on sale to help improve your margins. Enjoy a 60%+ profit margin on items found on this page. Take some time and dig around. Some items are simply on sale for a limited time, while others are on clearance, never to be seen again!
*** No other discounts apply to items found on this page.
"iF you keEp diggIng iN our sAle pile you'll fiNd loTs of great dealz!?" - Kirby, CEO Dog Speak